
Make Appointments

Make Appointments

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Make Appointments

{ * Required fields }
*Make appointments for:
Myself  Friends
*Examinee ' s name:
Male  Female
*Mobile phone:
Appointment Items:
  • A 尊爵套組 NT$85,000
  • B 卓越養生 NT$60,000
  • C 白金 NT$43,000
  • D 金珍愛 NT$43,000
  • E 珍愛套組 NT$38,000
  • F 經典套組 NT$27,000
  • G 心生活 NT$27,000
  • H 健康御守 NT$13,800
  • I 美力套組(女性) NT$13,800
  • J 活力套組 NT$12,000
  • K 俏麗佳人(女性) NT$11,000
  • L 元氣套組 NT$7,700
  • 無痛大腸鏡檢查 NT$7,000
  • 無痛胃鏡 - 含碳13幽門桿菌檢查 NT$6000
  • 五星級台北亞都麗緻大飯店 NT$3,800(週六與連續假日不適用)
*Health examination date:
Other interests:
I have read and fully understand the privacy policy. I agree and accept the policy as above.
*Verification code:

Consent to Provide Personal Data

This consent letter (this "Consent") sets forth how “Imperial Clinic” (the “CLINIC") will process the personal data collected hereunder. By ticking the "I agree" box and signing this Consent, you confirm that you have reviewed, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Consent and its amendments. If you are under the age of 20, you cannot use the service until your legal guardian has reviewed, understood, and agreed to the terms of this Consent and its amendments. Nevertheless, you will be deemed to have obtained your legal guardian's consent and agreed to comply with the following terms if you have used the service.
